Why does my ss107 take on water every trip
SS 107
Every outing my ss107 takes on water inside the hull. When I got my boat there were three cross threaded bolts in the nuts captured in the hull material. One in a handle and two in the rear access hatch. We were able to chase the threads and correct that situation. I have added an anchor trolley but I used the deluxe style with backing plates. Installation was 100% as specified by the manufacturer. One of the two boats I purchased had no bungee on the left where the paddle retainer is. I purchased two SS107 at the same time. I contacted the dealer and after two calls finally got one through the mail. I purchased the flex wings through your website and received them quickly through the mail. When trying to install them I had to go to a local hardware store and purchase 1/4" longer bolts to complete the install. The original bolts went into the captured nut less than two threads. Every trip out one of the boats takes on 16-32 ounces of water. I really don't want to return to the dealer where purchased. Sales assistance was good but support and follow up there has not been so great. Any suggestions would be appreciated. These are great boats for what we do. I would love to get all these things behind us. We've spent well over 3k on two boats and want to be able to enjoy them without issue. Thanks for your help.
Open Jun 20, 2021 - 03:35 PM
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